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ID Pointer

The ID pointer is a technique used in Move to separate the main data (an object) from its accessors or capabilities by linking these accessors back to the original object. This pattern can be applied in several ways:

  • Implementing transferable capabilities for shared objects, such as a TransferCap that updates the 'owner' field of a shared object.
  • Separating dynamic data from static data, for instance, distinguishing between an NFT and its collection information.
  • Avoiding unnecessary type linking (and witness requirements) in generic applications, like a Liquidity Pool (LP) token for a LiquidityPool.

The following example demonstrates basic Lock and Key mechanics on IOTA, where a Lock<T> is a shared object that can hold any content, and a Key is an owned object that is necessary to access the contents of the lock.

The Key is connected to its Lock through an ID field. This setup enables off-chain discovery of the target, while also separating the dynamic transferable capability from the 'static' contents. An additional benefit is that the target asset remains discoverable even when its Key is wrapped within another object, such as a marketplace listing.

module examples::lock_and_key {
/// Error indicating that the Lock is empty and there is nothing to retrieve.
const ELockIsEmpty: u64 = 0;

/// Error indicating that the Key does not match the Lock.
const EKeyMismatch: u64 = 1;

/// Error indicating that the Lock already contains an item.
const ELockIsFull: u64 = 2;

/// A Lock that can store any content within it.
public struct Lock<T: store + key> has key {
id: UID,
locked: Option<T>

/// A Key that is created alongside a Lock; it is transferable and contains all the necessary information to unlock the Lock.
public struct Key<phantom T: store + key> has key, store {
id: UID,
key_for: ID,

/// Retrieves the ID of the Lock associated with a given Key.
public fun key_for<T: store + key>(key: &Key<T>): ID {

/// Locks content within a shared object. A Key is generated and sent to the transaction sender.
/// For example, you could lock some `Coin<IOTA>` within a Lock to create a treasure chest.
/// The sender receives the Key to this Lock.
public fun create<T: store + key>(obj: T, ctx: &mut TxContext): Key<T> {
let id = object::new(ctx);
let key_for = object::uid_to_inner(&id);

transfer::share_object(Lock<T> {
locked: option::some(obj),

let key = Key<T> {
id: object::new(ctx)

/// Locks an item within a shared object using a Key. Aborts if the Lock is not empty or if the Key does not match the Lock.
public fun lock<T: store + key>(
obj: T,
lock: &mut Lock<T>,
key: &Key<T>,
) {
assert!(option::is_none(&lock.locked), ELockIsFull);
assert!(&key.key_for == object::borrow_id(lock), EKeyMismatch);

option::fill(&mut lock.locked, obj);

/// Unlocks a Lock with a Key to access its contents.
/// This function can only be called if:
/// - The Key matches the Lock.
/// - The Lock is not empty.
public fun unlock<T: store + key>(
lock: &mut Lock<T>,
key: &Key<T>,
): T {
assert!(option::is_some(&lock.locked), ELockIsEmpty);
assert!(&key.key_for == object::borrow_id(lock), EKeyMismatch);

option::extract(&mut lock.locked)

/// Unlocks the Lock and transfers its contents to the transaction sender.
public fun take<T: store + key>(
lock: &mut Lock<T>,
key: &Key<T>,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
transfer::public_transfer(unlock(lock, key), tx_context::sender(ctx))

This pattern is demonstrated in the Hero example.